Prashik’s Newsletter
The Prashik Show
3 Way's To See The Word #Issue 8 ( Audio Newsletter )

3 Way's To See The Word #Issue 8 ( Audio Newsletter )

Hello, I’m Prashik and welcome to a  Prashik’s Newsletter. Each week I write something interesting about life, books, podcast, my learnings etc

3 Way's To See The Word #Issue 8 ( Audio Newsletter )

In today's issue, I have discussed 3 Way's to see the world.

#1 One Directional Way

#2 Multidimensional Way

#3 No-Dimensional Way

In case you love reading, I have explained all the concept below 👇

There are 3 ways we all use to see the outer world. Which one you use really define your current state of living.

1st way One Directional Way

It means looking at everything in the way in which you have consumed most of your life.

Like if you are a business person and completely consumed by it.

Then everything you see, you will see from the business perspective.. This I called a one-dimensional worldview.

2nd way Multidimensional Way

This quality you will have only if you expose yourself to many dimensions of life.

For example, you are an analytical person, but you also have a keen interest in design. Apart from this, you even engaged yourself with many other dimensions of life.

Like, reading, social work, research in science, understanding human behavior, etc.

So if you engaged yourself in many dimensions of life, you would become a multi-faceted personality.

Now your approach to see any problem will not remain the same one-directional. Rather you will have a holistic approach to see the world. With this, you observe anything with multiple perspectives. So, you will have a unique way of seeing the problem.

3rd Way Non-Dimensional Way

This is very rare!

In this way, whatever you see, you see without any predefined notion!

You see something as completely new as if you are seeing that thing first time in life.

It's like, seeing anything with complete freshness.

Without bringing your mind, your previous knowledge, your prejudice, even your experience.

If you can see the world from this perspective, you will always see the new world.

New people who are changing daily, changing daily, or life problems, even their existence and impact, are not always the same.

With this approach, one day become an original thinker, an individualist person, someone who can see the world in a way no one else can see. It’s rare! Hence hard to achieve.

Well, which one I recommend? Start with 2nd and then try for 3rd but don’t waste your whole life experiencing only one dimension of life and having limited insight about life.

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